Juno’s Day
I wake up and it’s still dark in the apartment. Apparently it’s 3 am. My eyes adjust quickly. Things are always different in the dark, there’s no movement except for the rare shadows from the window and sometimes the whish of the fan. Time to explore.
I pad softly up to the drawer then with 2 quick leaps I ‘m at the window. Nothing much to see really, but it feels cozy here, and it’s a safe spot. I’ve come to an informal agreement with my new roommate that we’ll have our separate times here. But soon I’m restless so I jump back on the bed. The sheets are soft, and even though I might be squished I like to snuggle between the large bodies that are already there. They never seem to mind that much, and I can always yell.
Before I know it the first rays of sunlight penetrate the slates of the basement window and that means it’s breakfast time. I’ve learned that the best way to make food appear is to cry out loudly and as much as you can while also scratching at the door with your claws. It’s magic really. And then some big creatures that only walk on two legs will wake up and coo at you while scratching your head. I don’t always like that, but they’re big, dumb, hairless things, mostly harmless, so I let them do it.
Pretty soon it’s time to play, and the creatures seem to like it more than I do. It’s certainly more interesting than the flat, fake-suns they stare into all day. Sometimes those things make weird noises too, although the creatures sometimes do strange things together while making noises too. No matter how much I sit an watch them I can never tell what they’re getting at, and they always go to sleep right after.
But who has time for sleep when there are strings to chase and kill, posts to scratch, ledges and record players to climb. It’s tough in this world, sometimes the paths between dimensions can close unexpectedly and you have to spend hours clawing and shouting at the barriers to get them to open. If you jump on some things the creatures suddenly turn aggressive and you get doused in water. Not to mention my other roommate, who’s usually a fluffy sloth but sometimes randomly decides to attack. Keeps you on your toes. One day I’ll show him, though the creatures are fond of picking him up on their backs. One day I’ll get him.
It’s been a long day, and it’s become dark again. I might lie down for a little sleep. Wait, but it’s already 4 am. So much to do. No better way to start the day then with a good pep talk. Ahem. Meeeeooooo..